34 Matching Results
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Search Results
Result #2: Rosemary's baby [2021]
Result #3: Carnage [2011]
Result #4: The ghost writer [2010]
Result #5: Repulsion [2009]
Result #6: Chinatown [2007]
Result #7: The ninth gate [2007]
Result #8: Oliver Twist [2005]
Result #9: Roman Polanski: interviews [2005]
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Table of contents
Result #10: The fearless vampire killers or: pardon me, but your teeth are in my neck [2004]
Result #11: Tess [2004]
Result #12: Kid stays in the picture [2003]
Result #13: Nóż w wodzie [translated: Knife in the water] [2003]
Result #14: The tenant [2003]
Result #15: Zemsta [translated: Revenge] [2003]
Result #16: The pianist [2002]
Result #17: Zemsta [2002]
Result #18: Ljuset håller mig sällskap [translated: Light keeps me company] [2000]
Result #19: Rosemary's baby [2000]
Result #20: Chinatown [1999]
Result #21: Blood for Dracula [1998]
Result #22: Repulsion [1998]
Result #23: Bitter moon [1994]
Result #24: Chinatown [1991]
Result #25: Cul-de-sac [1991]
Result #26: Knife in the water: the young lover [1991]
Result #27: Nóż w wodzie [translated: Knife in the water] [1991]
Result #28: Macbeth [1986]
Result #29: Tess [1986]
Result #30: ZORN, John / NAKED CITY: Naked City
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