13 Matching Results
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Result #2: The journal of American-East Asian relations [1992 to present]
Result #3: The Pacific century > V. 1, The Two coasts of China [1992]
Result #4: The Pacific century > V. 10, The Pacific century [1992]
Result #5: The Pacific century > V. 2, The Meiji revolution [1992]
Result #6: The Pacific century > V. 3, From the barrel of a gun [1992]
Result #7: The Pacific century > V. 4, Writers & revolutionaries [1992]
Result #8: The Pacific century > V. 5, Reinventing Japan [1992]
Result #9: The Pacific century > V. 6, Inside Japan, Inc. [1992]
Result #10: The Pacific century > V. 7, Big business and the ghost of Confucius [1992]
Result #11: The Pacific century > V. 8, The Fight for democracy [1992]
Result #12: The Pacific century > V. 9, Sentimental imperalists [1992]
Result #13: Collision course [1987]
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