1 Result #1: Japan in postwar Asia [1970] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992; Council on Foreign Relations Book (Print/Paper) New York : Published for the Council on Foreign Relations by Praeger Publishers, [1970] Loading... Available - Willis 3rd Check availability
2 Result #2: Japan and the United States in Okinawa: some recent developments [1965] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) New York, N.Y. : American Universities Field Staff, [1965] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
3 Result #3: A note on Japan: recent political and economic trends [1965] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) New York, N.Y. : American Universities Field Staff, [1965] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
4 Result #4: Vietnam: notes on the Japanese reaction [1965] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) New York, N.Y. : American Universities Field Staff, [1965] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
5 Result #5: Japan's relations with China: some recent developments [1964] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) New York : American Universities Field Staff, [1964] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
6 Result #6: The Makioka sisters: a Japanese family novel: a great work of fiction recommended to historians and sociologists [1964] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) New York, N.Y. : American Universities Field Staff, [1964] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
7 Result #7: The Motono Company revisited: a Japanese small industry after nine years [1964] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1964] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
8 Result #8: Shimizu alters course: a Japanese intellectual in a period of change [1964] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1964] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
9 Result #9: The Value Creation Society: Sōka Gakkai, a Japanese religious and political phenomenon [1964] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) New York, N.Y. : American Universities Field Staff, [1964] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
10 Result #10: Dimensions of Japan; a collection of reports written for the American Universities Field Staff [1963] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992; American Universities Field Staff E-Book New York : American Universities Field Staff, [1963] Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
11 Result #11: Japan's search for an oil policy: national trends in an international industry [1962] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1962] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
12 Result #12: A note on Japan: a summary of recent economic and political trends [1962] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) New York, N.Y. : American Universities Field Staff, [1962] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
13 Result #13: Recent books on Japan: a review [1962] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1962] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
14 Result #14: Berlin from Japan: reflections on a distant crisis [1961] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1961] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
15 Result #15: How the Japanese divorce: notes on divorce and the family court in Japan [1961] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1961] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
16 Result #16: Japan and Korea: the bitter legacy [1961] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1961] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
17 Result #17: Japanese activities in Burma: comments on Japan-Burma economic relations [1961] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1961] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
18 Result #18: The Japanese in India today: Japan's role in Indian economic development [1961] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1961] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
19 Result #19: A Japanese Marxist: Itsurō Sakisaka: theoretician and activist [1961] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1961] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
20 Result #20: The politics of flower arrangement: aspects of Japanese-Philippine relations [1961] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) New York, N.Y. : American Universities Field Staff, [1961] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
21 Result #21: Six months after the storm: notes on the Japanese elections of November 1960 [1961] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1961] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
22 Result #22: Takehara: a good place to be from: some aspects of the history, economics, and educational system of a small Japanese city [1961] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1961] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
23 Result #23: The utopia of the conservatives: by plan and projection the government outlines Japan's economic growth potential for the next twenty years [1961] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1961] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
24 Result #24: Atomic cross-currents in Japan: a letter from Lawrence Olson [1959] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1959] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
25 Result #25: Four family budgets: a letter from Lawrence Olson [1959] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1959] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
26 Result #26: A note on Japan: a discussion of Japan's postwar domestic economy and international economic and political relations [1959] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1959] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
27 Result #27: Okinawan perspectives: a letter from Lawrence Olson [1959] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1959] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
28 Result #28: On the "orphan Japan": a young Japanese anthropologist comments on Japanese ignorance of other Asian countries: a letter from Lawrence Olson [1959] Creators & Contributors: Nakane, Chie, 1926-2021; Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1959] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
29 Result #29: The prince and the politicians: a letter from Lawrence Olson [1959] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1959] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
30 Result #30: Ethics, yes, but which ethics?: a letter from Lawrence Olson [1958] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1958] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
31 Result #31: In a country temple: a letter from Lawrence Olson [1958] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1958] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
32 Result #32: "In ten years, in fifty years": comments on China trade: a letter from Lawrence Olson [1958] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1958] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
33 Result #33: An instruction from the past: a letter from Lawrence Olson [1958] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1958] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
34 Result #34: The Japanese elections: a preview: a letter from Lawrence Olson [1958] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1958] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
35 Result #35: The Japanese elections and after: a letter from Lawrence Olson [1958] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1958] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
36 Result #36: Japanese interest in India: a letter from Lawrence Olson [1958] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1958] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
37 Result #37: "Mizuchō" in his district: a letter from Lawrence Olson [1958] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1958] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
38 Result #38: Mrs. Masuda and the Buraku people: a letter from Lawrence Olson [1958] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1958] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
39 Result #39: New hope for Japan's highlands: a letter from Lawrence Olson [1958] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1958] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
40 Result #40: Pages from a political notebook: a letter from Lawrence Olson [1958] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1958] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
41 Result #41: The police bill controversy: an episode in parliamentary growth: a letter from Lawrence Olson [1958] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1958] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
42 Result #42: Recent books on Japan: a year-end chronicle: a letter from Lawrence Olson [1958] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1958] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
43 Result #43: Birth control in Japan: a letter from Lawrence Olson [1956] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) New York, N.Y. : American Universities Field Staff, [1956] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
44 Result #44: Education of American children in Japan: a letter from Lawrence Olson [1956] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) New York, N.Y. : American Universities Field Staff, [1956] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
45 Result #45: Japan's Socialists: where do they stand?: a letter from Lawrence Olson [1956] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) New York, N.Y. : American Universities Field Staff, [1956] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
46 Result #46: A note on Japan [1956] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) New York, N.Y. : American Universities Field Staff, [1956] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
47 Result #47: The "Rhee Line": a Japanese view: a letter [1956] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) New York, N.Y. : American Universities Field Staff, [1956] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
48 Result #48: "What will the government do?": problems, plans, and progress in the north Kyūshū area: a letter from Lawrence Olson [1956] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) New York, N.Y. : American Universities Field Staff, [1956] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
49 Result #49: A young conservative: a letter from Lawrence Olson [1956] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) New York, N.Y. : American Universities Field Staff, [1956] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
50 Result #50: America's responsibility for Japan: a Japanese intellectual's view of American policy: a letter [1955] Creators & Contributors: Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) New York, N.Y. : American Universities Field Staff, [1955] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability