21 Matching Results
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Result #2: Alles hat seine zeit [2014]
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Result #3: Alles hat seine zeit [2014]
Result #4: 2010 radio broadcasts [2010]
Result #5: Brazilian dreams [2002]
Result #6: Jazziz on disc > February 2003: Portraits of love [2002]
Result #7: Sing! sing! sing! [2001]
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Result #8: Sing! sing! sing! [2001]
Result #9: By arrangement: new arrangements & compositions by Jim Hall [1998]
Result #10: By arrangements [1998]
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Result #11: I remember Bill: a tribute to Bill Evans [1998]
Result #12: New York Voices sing the songs of Paul Simon [1998]
Result #13: 25th anniversary concert with New York Voices [1997]
Result #14: Live at Manchester Craftmen's Guild [1996]
Result #15: Collection [1994]
Result #16: What's inside [1993]
Result #17: Hearts of fire [1991]
Result #18: GRP digital sampler: on the cutting edge [1989]
Result #19: New York Voices [1989]
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