1 Result #1: Human relations in Japan; summary translation of "Tateshakai no ningen kankei" (Personal relations in a vertical society) [1972] Creators & Contributors: Nakane, Chie, 1926-2021 Book (Print/Paper) [Tokyo] : Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1972 Loading... Check availability
2 Result #2: Japanese society [1970] Creators & Contributors: Nakane, Chie, 1926-2021 Book (Print/Paper) Berkeley : University of California Press, 1970 Loading... Check availability
3 Result #3: On the "orphan Japan": a young Japanese anthropologist comments on Japanese ignorance of other Asian countries: a letter from Lawrence Olson [1959] Creators & Contributors: Nakane, Chie, 1926-2021; Olson, Lawrence, 1918-1992 Book (Print/Paper) [New York] : American Universities Field Staff, [1959] Loading... Check availability