80 Matching Results
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Result #2: ALEXANDER, Eric: Dead Center [2018]
Result #3: CHARLES EARLAND TRIBUTE BAND: Keepers of the Flame [2018]
Result #4: LUDWIG, Gene / PAT MARTINO TRIO: Young Guns [2018]
Result #5: MARTINO, Pat: Formidable [2018]
Result #6: MARTINO, Pat: Nexus [2018]
Result #7: PAT MARTINO QUARTET: Undeniable [2018]
Result #8: MARTINO, Pat: Formidable [2017]
Result #9: Guitar anthology [2015]
Result #10: REZ ABBASI ACOUSTIC QUARTET: Intents and Purposes [2015]
Result #11: LUDWIG, Gene / PAT MARTINO TRIO: Young Guns [2014]
Result #12: Pat Martino - Live at Lotos Jazz Festival [2014]
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