1 Result #1: Japan... an international comparison [20th century to present] Creators & Contributors: Keizai Kōhō Sentā (Tokyo, Japan) Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Tokyo, Japan : Keizai Koho Center Loading... Available - Remote Storage Available - Sycamore More available Check availability
2 Result #2: Japan information resources in the United States [1985 to present] Creators & Contributors: Keizai Kōhō Sentā (Tokyo, Japan) Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Tokyo, Japan : Keizai Koho Center, Japan Institute for Social and Economic Affairs, [1985-]1985- Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
3 Result #3: Rising to the energy challenge: the case of Japanese industries: in facts, graphs and quotations [1980] Creators & Contributors: Keizai Kōhō Sentā (Tokyo, Japan) Book (Print/Paper) Tokyo : Keizai Koho Center (Japan Institute for Social and Economic Affairs), 1980 Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability