1 Result #1: The pride of the Buckeyes [1980] Creators & Contributors: Heine, Richard W.; Dragon, Carmen +23 more Music Record (12-inch Vinyl) Redwood City, California : Fidelity Sound Recordings, [1980?] Loading... Check availability
2 Result #2: The marching band; comparative techniques in movement and music [1969] Creators & Contributors: Spohn, Charles L.; Heine, Richard W. Book (Print/Paper) Boston : Allyn and Bacon, [1969] Loading... Check availability
3 Result #3: Principles of metal casting [1967] Creators & Contributors: Heine, Richard W.; Loper, Carl R. +1 more Book (Print/Paper) New York : McGraw-Hill, [1967] Loading... Check availability
4 Result #4: Principles of metal casting; Prepared in cooperation with the Textbook Committee of the Education Division, American Foundrymen's Society, Des Plaines, Ill. [1955] Creators & Contributors: Heine, Richard W.; Rosenthal, Philip C. Book (Print/Paper) New York : McGraw-Hill, 1955 Loading... Check availability