1 Result #1: Africa since 1875: a modern history [1974] Creators & Contributors: Hallett, Robin Book (Print/Paper) Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, [1974] Loading... Ask at the Service Desk Check availability
2 Result #2: The golden trade of the Moors [1968] Creators & Contributors: Bovill, E. W.; Hallett, Robin Book (Print/Paper) London ; New York [etc.] : Oxford U.P., 1968 Loading... Ask at the Service Desk Check availability
3 Result #3: People and progress in West Africa; an introduction to the problems of development [1966] Creators & Contributors: Hallett, Robin Book (Print/Paper) Oxford ; New York : Pergamon Press, [1966] Loading... Ask at the Service Desk Check availability
4 Result #4: The penetration of Africa; European exploration in North and West Africa to 1815 [1965] Creators & Contributors: Hallett, Robin Book (Print/Paper) New York : Praeger, [1965] Loading... Ask at the Service Desk Check availability