1 Result #1: Marxist thought in China [2019 to present] Creators & Contributors: Gregor, A. James (Anthony James), 1929-; Xue, Susan E-Book [New York] : Oxford University Press, [2019-] Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource See full record for additional info. Check availability
2 Result #2: Marxism and the making of China: a doctrinal history [2014] Creators & Contributors: Gregor, A. James (Anthony James), 1929- E-Book New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource See full record for additional info. Check availability
3 Result #3: Totalitarianism and political religion: an intellectual history [2012] Creators & Contributors: Gregor, A. James (Anthony James), 1929- E-Book Stanford, California : Stanford University Press, [2012] Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource See full record for additional info. Check availability
4 Result #4: Marxism, fascism, and totalitarianism: chapters in the intellectual history of radicalism [2009] Creators & Contributors: Gregor, A. James (Anthony James), 1929- Book (Print/Paper) Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 2009 Loading... Available - Sycamore Check availability
5 Result #5: The search for neofascism: the use and abuse of social science [2006] Creators & Contributors: Gregor, A. James (Anthony James), 1929- Book (Print/Paper) Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2006 Loading... FIND IT Online Table of contents Available - Sycamore Check availability
6 Result #6: Mussolini's intellectuals: fascist social and political thought [2005] Creators & Contributors: Gregor, A. James (Anthony James), 1929- Book (Print/Paper) Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, [2005] Loading... Available - Willis 3rd Check availability
7 Result #7: Origins and doctrine of fascism: with selections from other works [2002] Creators & Contributors: Gentile, Giovanni, 1875-1944; Gregor, A. James (Anthony James), 1929- Book (Print/Paper) New Brunswick, N.J. : Transaction, [2002] Loading... Available - Sycamore Check availability
8 Result #8: A place in the sun: Marxism and Fascism in China's long revolution [2000] Creators & Contributors: Gregor, A. James (Anthony James), 1929- Book (Print/Paper) Boulder, Colo. : Westview Press, 2000 Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
9 Result #9: Phoenix: fascism in our time [1999] Creators & Contributors: Gregor, A. James (Anthony James), 1929-; NetLibrary, Inc. E-Book New Brunswick, N.J. : Transaction Publishers, [1999] Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource See full record for additional info. Check availability
10 Result #10: Marxism, China & development: reflections on theory and reality [1995] Creators & Contributors: Gregor, A. James (Anthony James), 1929- Book (Print/Paper) New Brunswick, N.J., U.S.A. : Transaction Publishers, [1995] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
11 Result #11: Land of the morning calm: Korea and American security [1990] Creators & Contributors: Gregor, A. James (Anthony James), 1929- Book (Print/Paper) Washington, D.C. : Ethics and Public Policy Center, [1990] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
12 Result #12: The Philippine bases: U.S. security at risk [1987] Creators & Contributors: Gregor, A. James (Anthony James), 1929-; Aganon, Virgilio Book (Print/Paper) Washington, D.C. : Ethics and Public Policy Center, [1987] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
13 Result #13: The Taiwan relations act and the defense of the Republic of China [1980] Creators & Contributors: Snyder, Edwin K.; Gregor, A. James (Anthony James), 1929- +1 more Book (Print/Paper) Berkeley : Institute of International Studies, University of California, [1980] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
14 Result #14: Italian fascism and development dictatorship [1979] Creators & Contributors: Gregor, A. James (Anthony James), 1929- Book (Print/Paper) Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, [1979] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
15 Result #15: Young Mussolini and the intellectual origins of fascism [1979] Creators & Contributors: Gregor, A. James (Anthony James), 1929-; University of California, Berkeley > Institute of International Studies Book (Print/Paper) Berkeley : University of California Press, [1979] Loading... Available - Willis 3rd Check availability
16 Result #16: The Fascist persuasion in radical politics [1974] Creators & Contributors: Gregor, A. James (Anthony James), 1929- Book (Print/Paper) Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, [1974] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
17 Result #17: Interpretations of fascism [1974] Creators & Contributors: Gregor, A. James (Anthony James), 1929- Book (Print/Paper) Morristown, N.J. : General Learning Press, [1974] Loading... Available - Sycamore Check availability
18 Result #18: Challenge to the Court; social scientists and the defense of segregation, 1954-1966 [1969] Creators & Contributors: Newby, I. A. (Idus A.), 1931-; Gregor, A. James (Anthony James), 1929- Book (Print/Paper) Baton Rouge : Louisiana State University Press, [1969] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
19 Result #19: The ideology of fascism; the rationale of totalitarianism [1969] Creators & Contributors: Gregor, A. James (Anthony James), 1929- Book (Print/Paper) New York : Free Press, [1969] Loading... Available - Sycamore Check availability
20 Result #20: Contemporary radical ideologies; totalitarian thought in the twentieth century [1968] Creators & Contributors: Gregor, A. James (Anthony James), 1929- Book (Print/Paper) New York : Random House, [1968] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
21 Result #21: A survey of Marxism; problems in philosophy and the theory of history [1965] Creators & Contributors: Gregor, A. James (Anthony James), 1929- Book (Print/Paper) New York : Random House, [1965] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability