1 Result #1: Democracy in Eastern Asia: issues, problems and challenges in a region of diversity [2014] Creators & Contributors: Fung, Edmund S. K.; Drakeley, Steven +1 more E-Book London ; New York : Routledge, 2014 Loading... FIND IT Online connect to online resource See full record for additional info. Check availability
2 Result #2: The intellectual foundations of Chinese modernity: cultural and political thought in the Republican era [2010] Creators & Contributors: Fung, Edmund S. K. Book (Print/Paper) New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010 Loading... Check availability
3 Result #3: In search of Chinese democracy: civil opposition in Nationalist China, 1929-1949 [2000] Creators & Contributors: Fung, Edmund S. K. Book (Print/Paper) Cambridge, U.K. ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2000 Loading... Check availability
4 Result #4: From fear to friendship: Australia's policies towards the People's Republic of China, 1966-1982 [1985] Creators & Contributors: Fung, Edmund S. K.; Mackerras, Colin Book (Print/Paper) St. Lucia, Queensland, Australia : University of Queensland Press, 1985 Loading... Check availability
5 Result #5: The military dimension of the Chinese revolution: the New Army and its role in the Revolution of 1911 [1980] Creators & Contributors: Fung, Edmund S. K. Book (Print/Paper) Vancouver [B.C.] : University of British Columbia Press, 1980 Loading... Check availability