1 Result #1: ON YOUR FEET! (Original Broadway Cast Recording) [2016] Creators & Contributors: Warren, Diane; Estefan, Gloria +16 more Streaming Music Hong Kong : Naxos Digital Services US Inc., 2016 Loading... FIND IT Online Listen to streaming music Check availability
2 Result #2: You'll be mine: (party time) [1996] Creators & Contributors: Estefan, Emilio; Estefan, Gloria +2 more Music CD New York, NY : Epic, [1996] Loading... Available - Music Storage Check availability
3 Result #3: Heart, soul & a voice [1994] Creators & Contributors: Secada, Jon; McWilliams, Tom +7 more Music CD New York : SBK, [1994] Loading... Available - Music Storage Check availability
4 Result #4: Let it loose [1987] Creators & Contributors: Estefan, Emilio; Estefan, Gloria +4 more Music CD Los Angeles, CA : Epic, [1987] Loading... Available - Music Storage Check availability