40 Matching Results
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Result #2: Lux aeterna [2022]
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Result #3: Breath of song: 10 works by women composers for unaccompanied SATB choir [2021]
Result #4: It's a long way [2021]
Result #5: Oxford solo songs: secular: 14 songs with piano [2021]
Result #6: Oxford solo songs: secular: 14 songs with piano [2021]
Result #7: Christmas [2019]
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Result #10: IMEC 2017 > Honors Chorus and All-State Chorus concerts [2017]
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Result #11: O sacrum convivium: sacred music from the chapel of Saint Basil [2016]
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Result #12: Voices of Earth [2015]
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Result #13: Voices of earth [2015]
Result #14: Christmastide [2013]
Result #15: A hymn for St. Cecilia: SSA and piano [2011]
Result #16: I'll give my love an apple: SSA with piano [2011]
Result #17: Salutation of the dawn: SATB double chorus and treble choir [2011]
Result #18: Choral highlights 2010 [2010]
Result #19: If angels could sing: songs of the season [2010]
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Result #20: The world's desire: Christmas at Loretto [2009]
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Result #21: Christmas a cappella: songs from around the world [2008]
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Result #22: To Sing! [2008]
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Result #23: The bridge builder: SATB with piano [2006]
Result #24: Hear my prayer [2006]
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Result #25: How sweet the sound [2006]
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Result #26: Kneel always: SSA and piano [2006]
Result #27: Voices in bloom [2005]
Result #28: Child with the starry crayon: SSA with piano [2004]
Result #29: Singing with pride [2004]
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Result #30: The cloths of Heaven: SSA and piano [2003]
Result #31: Puer natus in Bethelehem, alleluia! [2003]
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Result #32: Puer natus in Bethlehem, alleluia! [2003]
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Result #33: Un Canadien errant: (French-Canadian folk song) [2002]
Result #34: The lake isle of Innisfree [2002]
Result #35: For the fallen: SATB with trumpet [2001]
Result #36: Canticle to the spirit: the choral music of Eleanor Daley [2000]
Result #37: If you love me: SSAA a cappella [1999]
Result #38: Hosanna, loud hosanna: SATB with percussion [1995]
Result #39: In remembrance [1995]
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Result #40: WNY Children's Chorus [1994]
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