1,405 Matching Results
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Result #2: Schweizerische Kirchenzeitung [1832 to present]
Result #3: Acta Apostolicae Sedis; commentarium officiale [1909 to present]
Result #4: The Australasian Catholic record [1924 to present]
Result #5: The Catholic sun [1892 to present]
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Full text available from Documenting White Supremacy and its Opponents in the 1920s: 1926 to 1926
Result #6: Crkva u svijetu [1966 to present]
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Full text available from Academic Search Complete: 01/01/2019 to present
Result #7: Mississippi today: serving Catholics of Diocese of Jackson [1970 to present]
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Full text available from Thomson Reuters Westlaw Campus Research: 03/01/2018 to present
Result #8: Messe pour les paroisses: chant sur le Livre alterné [2023]
Result #9: North Country Catholic [1946 to present]
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Full text available from Freely Accessible General Interest Journals: 1946 to 2006
Result #11: Historia de Sancta Mildretha [2021]
Result #12: Historia Sancti Bassiani: composto per la Cattedrale di Lodi [2021]
Result #14: Old and new worlds [2020]
Result #15: Antiphonale varadinense: s. XV [2019]
Result #17: The benedictional of Archbishop Robert [2018]
Result #18: École de Notre-Dame: Messe for the nativity of the Virgin [2018]
Result #19: Historia Sancti Hylarii Episcopi Pictaviensis: (circa 816-930) [2018]
Result #20: Psallendae: the Ambrosian processional antiphons [2018]
Result #21: Gregorian Christmas [2017]
Result #22: The Office of Saint William of York [2017]
Result #23: Requiem [2017]
Result #25: Gregorian chant: sung by the Choir and Monks of Farnborough Abbey [2016]
Result #26: Old English psalms [2016]
Result #27: Capturing music: the story of notation [2015]
Result #28: The Office of Saint Vigilius: bishop and patron of the church of Trent [2015]
Result #30: The Becket offices: paradigms for liturgical research: part 1 [2014]
Result #31: Historia Sancti Gatiani, Episcopi Turonensis [2014]
Result #32: The Catholic Northwest progress [1994 to 2013]
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Full text available from Documenting White Supremacy and its Opponents in the 1920s: 1918 to 1930
Result #33: Gregorian chant: primae vesperae; prima missa [2013]
Result #34: Freiburger Chorbuch > 2: Chormusik zur Liturgie [2012]
Result #35: Through death to life: preparing to celebrate the funeral Mass [2012]
Result #36: The Gelasian sacramentary: liber sacramentorum Romanae Ecclesiae [2011]
Result #37: Historia sancti Martini [2011]
Result #38: Mass in 40 parts [2011]
Result #39: Missa Ecco sì beato giorno: and other works; Spem in alium [2011]
Result #40: Music for Henry V and the House of Lancaster [2011]
Result #42: Singing the Mass: sung order of Mass in English and Latin [2011]
Checked Out - Willis 4th
Due Dec 08, 2019