47 Matching Results
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Search Results
Result #2: Halloween ends [2022]
Result #3: Halloween kills [2022]
Result #4: Halloween kills [2022]
Result #5: Halloween [2019]
Result #6: Halloween: original motion picture soundtrack [2018]
Result #7: Electronica > 1: the time machine [2015]
Result #8: John Carpenter's The thing: music from the motion picture [2015]
Result #9: Halloween II [2012]
Result #10: Halloween III: season of the witch [2012]
Result #11: Nightmares in red, white and blue: the evolution of the American horror film [2010]
Result #12: Going to pieces: the rise and fall of the slasher film [2007]
Result #13: Halloween [2007]
Result #14: Halloween [2007]
Result #15: Cigarette burns [2006]
Result #16: Assault on Precinct 13 [2005]
Result #17: John Carpenter's The thing [2004]
Result #18: The American nightmare [2003]
Result #19: Escape from New York (1981): shooting script [2003]
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