Title or Series
Politics in Asia series54Malaysian politics under Mahathir2Media and politics in Pacific Asia2Arming the two Koreas: state, capital and military power1The challenge to democracy in Nepal: a political history1China, arms control, and nonproliferation1Communitarian ideology and democracy in Singapore1Cooperative security and the balance of power in ASEAN and ARF1Democracy in Japan1Diverse routes to democracy1Domestic politics, international bargaining and China's territorial disputes1East Timor, Australia and regional order: intervention and its aftermath in Southeast Asia1Indonesia and China: the politics of a troubled relationship1The international relations of Japan and South East Asia: forging a new regionalism1Islam in Indonesian foreign policy1Islam in Malaysian foreign policy1Japan's civil-military diplomacy: the banks of the Rubicon1Japan's international democracy assistance as soft power: neoclassical realist analysis1Korea after the crash: the politics of economic recovery1Party politics in Taiwan: party change and the democratic evolution of Taiwan, 1991-20041