Title or Series
Pennsylvania studies in human rights2Agamben and the politics of human rights: statelessness, images, violence1Amnesty International global ethics series1Dignity in adversity: human rights in troubled times1Freedom on the offensive: human rights, democracy promotion, and US interventionism in the late Cold War1Human duties and the limits of human rights discourse1The human right to dominate1Human rights and humanitarian diplomacy (1856-)1Human rights and transnational democracy in South Korea1Human rights as human independence: a philosophical and legal interpretation1The idea of human rights1India and the quest for one world: the peacemakers1Jimmy Carter, human rights, and the national agenda1Law in context1Moral victories: how activists provoke multilateral action1Oxford studies in culture & politics1Palgrave Macmillan transnational history series1Presidential rhetoric series1Presidential rhetoric series; no. 201Public administration and public policy1