Title or Series
Asyut Project (Series)4Access archaeology1Asyut Project (Series); v. 131Asyut Project (Series); v.181Asyut Project (Series); v. 191Asyut Project (Series); v. 71Chronological overview of pottery from Asyut: a contribution to the history of Gebel Asyut al-gharbi1The Northern Soldiers-Tomb (H11.1) at Asyut1Pottery of Manqabad1Pottery of Manqabad > 2, Pottery production and types from the Monastery of Manqabad at Asuyt (Egypt)1Pottery of Manqabad: a selected catalogue of the ceramic assemblage from the monastery of 'Abba Nefer' at Asuyt (Egypt)1Probleme der Ägyptologie1Probleme der Ägyptologie; 13. Bd.1Siut-Theben: zur Wertschätzung von Traditionen im alten Ägypten1Tomb M12.3 at Asyut: a unique testimony from the 12th dynasty1