1 Result #1: Byzantine elements in early Slavic chant: The Hirmologion [1960] Creators & Contributors: Velimirović, Miloš Book (Print/Paper) Copenhagen : Munksgaard, 1960 Loading... Ask at the Service Desk Check availability
2 Result #2: Contacarium palaeoslavicum mosquense [1960] Creators & Contributors: Orthodox Eastern Church; Bugge, A. Music Score (Print/Paper) Copenhague : E. Munksgaard, 1960 Loading... Ask at the Service Desk Check availability
3 Result #3: Fragmenta Chiliandarica palaeoslavica [1957] Creators & Contributors: Orthodox Eastern Church; Jakobson, Roman, 1896-1982 +1 more Music Score (Print/Paper) Copenhagen : E. Munksgaard, 1957 Loading... Ask at the Service Desk Check availability