1 Result #1: East of Chosin: entrapment and breakout in Korea, 1950 [2002] Creators & Contributors: Appleman, Roy Edgar Book (Print/Paper) College Station, TX : Texas A & M University Press, [2002] Loading... Ask at the Service Desk Check availability
2 Result #2: Breakout: the Chosin Reservoir campaign, Korea 1950 [1999] Creators & Contributors: Russ, Martin, 1931-2010 Book (Print/Paper) New York : Fromm International, [1999] Loading... Ask at the Service Desk Check availability
3 Result #3: Miracle in Korea: the evacuation of X Corps from the Hungnam beachhead [1992] Creators & Contributors: Cowart, Glenn C., 1930- Book (Print/Paper) Columbia : University of South Carolina Press, [1992] Loading... Ask at the Service Desk Check availability
4 Result #4: Escaping the trap: the US Army X Corps in Northeast Korea, 1950 [1990] Creators & Contributors: Appleman, Roy Edgar Book (Print/Paper) College Station, TX : Texas A & M University Press, [1990] Loading... Ask at the Service Desk Check availability