1 Result #1: Hush-a-bye [1953] Creators & Contributors: Seelen, Jerry; Fain, Sammy +1 more Music Score (Print/Paper) New York : Remick Music, [1953] Loading... Check availability
2 Result #2: Living the life I love [1953] Creators & Contributors: Fain, Sammy; Seelen, Jerry Music Score (Print/Paper) New York : Harms, [1953] Loading... Check availability
3 Result #3: Oh, moon [1953] Creators & Contributors: Jacobs, Ray Music Score (Print/Paper) New York : Harms, [1953] Loading... Check availability
4 Result #4: This is a very special day [1953] Creators & Contributors: Lee, Peggy Music Score (Print/Paper) New York : Remick Music, [1953] Loading... Check availability
5 Result #5: Mother of mine, I still have you [1927] Creators & Contributors: Jolson, Al, 1886-1950; Silvers, Louis +1 more Music Score (Print/Paper) New York : Irving Berlin, [1927] Loading... Check availability
6 Result #6: Breezin' along with the breeze [1926] Creators & Contributors: Gillespie, Haven; Simons, Seymour +1 more Music Score (Print/Paper) [Place of publication not identified] : Warner Bros., [1926] Loading... Check availability
7 Result #7: Breezin' along with the breeze [1926] Creators & Contributors: Gillespie, Haven; Simons, Seymour +1 more Music Score (Print/Paper) New York : Jerome H. Remick, [1926] Loading... Check availability