1 Result #1: This is Your Brain on Football: Making Sense of Parents' Decision to Allow Their Child to Play Tackle Football [2018] Creators & Contributors: Boneau, Rebecca Dunnan; Richardson, Brian K. Thesis/Dissertation (Online) [Denton, Texas] : University of North Texas, 2018 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
2 Result #2: Social cognitive and control theories: a test of self-efficacy and performance in strength and conditioning [2008] Creators & Contributors: Gilson, Todd Anders Thesis/Dissertation (Online) 2008 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to OregonPDF search page for online resource Check availability
3 Result #3: A case study of the relationship between collegiate football student-athletes' background and their athletic and academic success at a major division I-A institution [2005] Creators & Contributors: Brewer, Ronald Thesis/Dissertation (Online) 2005 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to OregonPDF search page for online resource Check availability
4 Result #4: Prediction of athletic injury and postinjury emotional response in collegiate athletes: a prospective study of an NCAA division I football team [1999] Creators & Contributors: Falkstein, David Lawrence; Petrie, Trent A. Thesis/Dissertation (Microfiche) 1999 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
5 Result #5: A descriptive profile of freshman student-athletes on a division IAA university intercollegiate football team for consideration in general administrative decision making processes [1989] Creators & Contributors: Gunn, Lindsey; Kingery, Dwane Thesis/Dissertation (Microfiche) Reproduced or reissued in 1989 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
6 Result #6: A study of the validity of Brace's football achievement tests as a measure of real playing ability of individual players of the Quanah and Childress high schools [1949] Creators & Contributors: Edmondson, O. K.; Cotteral, Donnie Thesis/Dissertation (Print/Paper) 1949 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability