51 Result #51: People's Mass book: organ acc. for the Sunday and holyday Missal edition, Daily Missal edition, Complete daily Missal edition [1966] Creators & Contributors: Music Score (Print/Paper) Cincinnati : World Library of Sacred Music, [1966] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
52 Result #52: A family prays the rosary [1960s] Creators & Contributors: Peloquin Chorale Audio Record (12-inch Vinyl) Indianapolis, Ind. : Parrish Records, [196-?] Loading... Available - Music Storage Check availability
53 Result #53: Masses and hymns from Our parish prays and sings [1960s] Creators & Contributors: Track, Gerhard Music Record (12-inch Vinyl) Collegeville, Minn. : Liturgical Press, [196-?] Loading... Available - Music Storage Check availability
54 Result #54: One faith in song: 21 hymns common to the Catholic and Protestant faiths: 2 equal voices with instrumental accompaniment ad libitum [1960s] Creators & Contributors: Music Score (Print/Paper) Cincinnati : World Library of Sacred Music, [between 1960 and 1969?] Loading... Available - Music Storage Check availability
55 Result #55: Parish worship II: new edition of Jubilee hymns and parish worship: official hymnal of the Archdiocese of Toronto [1965] Creators & Contributors: Somerville, Stephen; St. Michael's Cathedral Choir School (Toronto, Ont.) Book (Print/Paper) Toronto : St. Michael's Cathedral Choir School, [1965] Loading... Available - Music Storage Check availability
56 Result #56: People's Mass book: hymns, Psalms, masses, and Bible services for participation of the faithful at Mass and other services according to Second Vatican Council's Constitution on the sacred liturgy [1964] Creators & Contributors: Music Score (Print/Paper) Cincinnati : World Library of Sacred Music, [1964] Loading... Library Use Only - Willis 4th Check availability
57 Result #57: A preliminary survey of Roman Catholic hymnals published in the United States of America [1964] Creators & Contributors: Verret, Mary Camilla Thesis/Dissertation (Print/Paper) Washington : The Catholic University of America Press, [1964] Loading... Library Use Only - Willis 4th Check availability
58 Result #58: Psalms and hymns for low Mass in English: group I. [1964] Creators & Contributors: Music Score (Print/Paper) Boston : McLaughlin & Reilly Company, [1964] Loading... Library Use Only - Willis 4th Check availability
59 Result #59: Psalms and hymns for low Mass in English: group II [1964] Creators & Contributors: Music Score (Print/Paper) Boston : McLaughlin & Reilly Company, [1964] Loading... Library Use Only - Willis 4th Check availability
60 Result #60: Sung mass book: for low and high masses [1964] Creators & Contributors: Kern, Jan. Music Score (Print/Paper) [Place of publication not identified] : Gregorian Institute of America, [1964] Loading... Available - Music Storage Check availability
61 Result #61: Cantos catequisticos [1959] Creators & Contributors: Miranda y Gómez, Miguel Darío, 1895-; Editorial Progreso (Mexico) +2 more Music Score (Print/Paper) Mexico : Editorial Progreso, S.A., 1959 Loading... Library Use Only - Special Collections Storage Check availability
62 Result #62: Hymnen; Habert [1959] Creators & Contributors: Stadlmayr, Johann, -1648; Habert, Johannes Evangelista, 1833-1896 Music Score (Print/Paper) Graz : Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1959 Loading... Library Use Only - Willis 4th Check availability
63 Result #63: Hymns of the Catholic faith [1959] Creators & Contributors: Music Score (Print/Paper) Winona, Minn. : Pointer System, [1959] Loading... Available - Music Storage Check availability
64 Result #64: Hymni per totum annum: 3, 4, 5, 6 vocibus [1958] Creators & Contributors: Festa, Costanzo, -1545; Haydon, Glen, 1896-1966 Music Score (Print/Paper) Romae : Pontificium Institutum Musicae Sacrae, 1958 Loading... Library Use Only - Willis 4th Check availability
65 Result #65: The new Saint Basil hymnal [1958] Creators & Contributors: Basilian Fathers Book (Print/Paper) Cincinnati, Ohio : Ralph Jusko Publications, 1958 Loading... Library Use Only - Willis 4th Check availability
66 Result #66: The Pius X hymnal [1958] Creators & Contributors: Pius Tenth School of Liturgical Music > Faculty Music Score (Print/Paper) Boston : McLaughln & Reilly, [1958] Loading... Available - Music Storage Check availability
67 Result #67: Gregorian chant: Easter mass. Gregorian chant; Easter pieces from the office [1956] Creators & Contributors: Catholic Church; Gajard, Joseph, 1885-1972 +1 more Music Record (12-inch Vinyl) [London] : London, [1956] Loading... Available - Music Storage Check availability
68 Result #68: Melodiarium Hungariae medii aevi / Rajeczky Benjamin [1956 to present] Creators & Contributors: Music Score (Print/Paper) Budapest : Zenemükiadó Vállalat, 1956 Loading... Library Use Only - Willis 4th Available - Music Storage Check availability
69 Result #69: Monumenta monodica medii aevi [1956 to present] Creators & Contributors: Stäblein, Bruno Music Score (Print/Paper) Kassel : Bärenreiter-Verlag, 1956- Loading... Contact the Service Desk Contact Music Library Service Desk Check availability
70 Result #70: The Bells of of the Vatican pavilion: at the New York World's Fair: favorite Catholic hymns [1950s] Creators & Contributors: Klein, John, 1915-1981 Music Record (12-inch Vinyl) Sellersville, Pa. : Americana Records, [195-?] Loading... Available - Music Storage Check availability
71 Result #71: Catholic hymns [1950s] Creators & Contributors: St. Mary's Seminary, Roland Park, Baltimore, Md. > Choir; Selner, John C. (John Charles), 1904-1992 Music Record (10-inch Vinyl) Toledo, Ohio : Gregorian Institute of America, [195-?] Loading... Available - Music Storage Check availability
72 Result #72: The People's hymnal [1955] Creators & Contributors: Theological College (Washington, D.C.) > Hymn Committee Music Score (Print/Paper) Cincinnati : World Library of Sacred Music, [1955] Loading... Library Use Only - Willis 4th Check availability
73 Result #73: A compilation of the litanies and vespers, hymns and anthems, as they are sung in the Catholic Church; Philadelphia, 1787 [i.e > 1788] [1954] Creators & Contributors: Aitken, John, 1745 or 1746-1831; Catholic Church Music Score (Print/Paper) [Philadelphia] : [A. Saifer, publisher for Musical Americana], [1954] Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
74 Result #74: Hymnen und Sequenzen [1954] Creators & Contributors: Schwerd, Andreas Book (Print/Paper) München : Kösel-Verlag, [1954] Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
75 Result #75: The Pius X hymnal: for unison, two equal or four mixed voices [1953] Creators & Contributors: Pius X School of Liturgical Music Music Score (Print/Paper) Boston : McLaughlin & Reilly, [1953] Loading... Library Use Only - Willis 4th Library Use Only - Music Storage Check availability
76 Result #76: Hirmologium e codice Cryptensi E. γ. II [1950] Creators & Contributors: Catholic Church; Tardo, Lorenzo, 1883-1967 +1 more Music Score (Print/Paper) Roma : Libreria dello Stato, 1950 Loading... Library Use Only - Willis 4th Check availability
77 Result #77: Latin hymns of the Middle Ages [1948] Creators & Contributors: Messenger, Ruth Ellis, 1884-1964 Book (Print/Paper) Springfield, Ohio : Hymn Society of America, 1948 Loading... Available - Music Storage Check availability
78 Result #78: The St. Gregory hymnal and Catholic choir book: a complete collection of approved English and Latin hymns ... [1947] Creators & Contributors: Montani, Nicola A. (Nicola Aloysius), 1880-1948 Music Score (Print/Paper) Philadelphia : St. Gregory Guild, Inc., 1947 Loading... Available - Willis 4th Library Use Only - Music Storage Check availability
79 Result #79: The praise of the Virgin in early Latin hymns [1944] Creators & Contributors: Messenger, Ruth Ellis, 1884-1964 Book (Print/Paper) Springfield, Ohio : Hymn Society of America, 1944 Loading... Available - Music Storage Check availability
80 Result #80: The hymns of the Dominican missal and breviary [1943] Creators & Contributors: Catholic Church; Byrnes, Aquinas Book (Print/Paper) St. Louis, Mo. ; London : B. Herder book co., 1943 Loading... Available - Willis 4th Check availability
81 Result #81: Laudate: choir manual; D., and Rev. Andrew Green, O.S.B. [1942] Creators & Contributors: Hohe, Joseph; Koch, Herman J. +1 more Music Score (Print/Paper) [Kansas City, Kan.] : [Diocese of Leavenworth], 1942 Loading... Library Use Only - Willis 4th Check availability
82 Result #82: Bragers chant service book: accompaniments to various motets, litanies, hymns, canticles: principal propers of the mass vespers of the B.V.M. and compline service [1941] Creators & Contributors: Bragers, Achille P. (Achille Pierre), 1887-1955 Music Score (Print/Paper) Boston : McLaughlin & Reilly, [1941] Loading... Library Use Only - Willis 4th Check availability
83 Result #83: Mission music of California: a collection of old California mission hymns and masses [1941] Creators & Contributors: Da Silva, Owen Francis; Durán, Narciso, 1776-1846 +2 more Music Score (Print/Paper) Los Angeles : W.F. Lewis, [1941] Loading... Library Use Only - Willis 4th Check availability
84 Result #84: The St. Gregory hymnal and Catholic choir book: a complete collection of approved English and Latin hymns, motets, masses and liturgical music for the various seasons of the ecclesiastical year [1940] Creators & Contributors: Montani, Nicola A. (Nicola Aloysius), 1880-1948; Society of St. Gregory of America Music Score (Print/Paper) Philadelphia : St. Gregory Guild, 1940 Loading... Library Use Only - Willis 4th Library Use Only - Music Storage Check availability
85 Result #85: Hymns attributed to John Dryden [1937] Creators & Contributors: Catholic Church; Dryden, John, 1631-1700 +2 more Book (Print/Paper) Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 1937 Loading... Available - Remote Storage Check availability
86 Result #86: The Mount Mary hymnal [1937] Creators & Contributors: Mary Gisela, Sister, S.S.N.D. Music Score (Print/Paper) Boston : McLaughlin & Reilly, [1937] Loading... Library Use Only - Willis 4th Check availability
87 Result #87: The hymns of the Breviary and Missal [1936] Creators & Contributors: Catholic Church; Britt, Matthew, 1872-1955 Book (Print/Paper) New York : Benziger Brothers, 1936 Loading... Available - Music Storage Check availability
88 Result #88: The parochial hymnal; a select collection of approved English and Latin hymns [1936] Creators & Contributors: Rossini, Carlo, 1890-1975 Music Score (Print/Paper) New York : J. Fischer, [1936] Loading... Library Use Only - Willis 4th Check availability
89 Result #89: Diocesan hymnal [1928] Creators & Contributors: Schrembs, Joseph, 1866-1945 Music Score (Print/Paper) New York : J. Fischer, [1928] Loading... Library Use Only - Willis 4th Check availability
90 Result #90: The English Psalter: containing the Psalms of David together with the canticles and proper Psalms for certain days [1925] Creators & Contributors: Church of England; Macpherson, Charles, 1870-1927 +2 more Book (Print/Paper) London : Novello and company, limited, [1925] Loading... Library Use Only - Willis 4th Check availability
91 Result #91: Analecta hymnica medii aevi [1886 to 1922] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) 1-55, 1886-1922. Loading... Library Use Only - Willis 4th More available Check availability
92 Result #92: Organ book to hymns and chants contained in Manual of Catholic hymns; J. Pierron [1916] Creators & Contributors: Dieringer, Barnabas; Pierron, Joseph J. Music Score (Print/Paper) New York ; Cincinnati : Benziger Brothers, [1916] Loading... Library Use Only - Willis 4th Check availability
93 Result #93: Repertorium hymnologicum: Catalogue des chants, hymnes, proses, séquences, tropes en usage dans l'église latine depuis les origines jusqu'à nos jours [1900 to 1977] Creators & Contributors: Chevalier, Ulysse, 1841-1923 Book (Microfilm) Louvain, 1892-1912Bruxelles, 1920 Loading... Available - Storage Microforms Check availability
94 Result #94: Rohr's collection of favorite Catholic melodies, for church, school and home: containing the greatest number of hymns, psalms, antiphons, masses ...; Rohr [1854] Creators & Contributors: Rohr, Ph. (Philip) Music Score (Print/Paper) Boston : Patrick Donahoe, [1854] Loading... Library Use Only - Willis 4th Check availability
95 Result #95: Collection of sacred hymns, for the use of the Catholic churches in Kentucky: intended as a supplement to the prayer-book, entitled True piety [1815] Creators & Contributors: David, John Baptist Mary, 1761-1841 E-Book Bardstown [Ky.] : Printed by Bard & Edrington, 1815 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource See full record for additional info. Check availability
96 Result #96: Hymns for the use of the Catholic Church in the United States of America [1807] Creators & Contributors: Catholic Church E-Book Baltimore : Printed by John West Buttler, 1807 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource See full record for additional info. Check availability
97 Result #97: Cantiques francais a l'usage du catéchisme de l'Eglise de Saint-Patrice de Baltimore [1798] Creators & Contributors: St. Patrick's Church (Baltimore, Md.) E-Book A Baltimore : De l'Imprimerie de Jean Hayes, pour le compte de Jacques Rice et Comp., M,DCC,XCVIII. [1798] Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
98 Result #98: The garden of the soul: or, A manual of spiritual exercises and instructions for Christians, who, living in the world, aspire to devotion [1796] Creators & Contributors: Challoner, Richard, 1691-1781 E-Book Baltimore : Printed by James Rice & Co. booksellers, Market-Street, corner of South-Street, 1796 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
99 Result #99: The French convert: being a true relation of the happy conversion of a noble French lady, from the errors and superstitions of popery ... [1795] Creators & Contributors: D'Auborn, A.; McGowan, John +1 more E-Book Hudson [N.Y.] : Printed by Ashbel Stoddard, M,DCC,XCV. [1795] Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
100 Result #100: The French convert: being a true relation of the happy conversion of a noble French lady, from the errors and superstitions of popery ... [1795] Creators & Contributors: D'Auborn, A.; McGowan, John +1 more E-Book New-York : Printed by J. Oram, for E. Duyckinck, & Co. no. 110, Pearl-Street--, 1795 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability