1 Result #1: American political thought: a journal of ideas, institutions, and culture [2012 to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Chicago, IL : University of Chicago PressVol. 1 no. 1 (spr. 2012)-v.3 no.2 (fall 2014) ; v.4 no.1 (win. 2015)- Loading... Check availability
2 Result #2: Audit report, Good Neighbor Commission [20th century to present] Creators & Contributors: Texas Good Neighbor Commission; Texas Office of the State Auditor Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [Austin] : State Auditor A2800 G595 Loading... See full record for additional info. Check availability
3 Result #3: The drama review: TDR [1968 to present] Creators & Contributors: Tisch School of the Arts; New York University > School of the Arts +1 more Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [New York, N.Y.] : [New York University, School of the Arts], [1968-]Vol. 12, no. 3 (spring 1968)- Loading... Check availability
4 Result #4: Historic documents [1972 to present] Creators & Contributors: Congressional Quarterly, inc Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [Washington] : Congressional Quarterly, Inc.Washington, DC : Sage1972- Loading... Check availability
5 Result #5: History of political thought [1980 to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Exeter, Eng. : Imprint Academic, [1980-]Vol. 1, issue 1 (spring 1980)- Loading... Check availability
6 Result #6: Illinois blue book [1952 to present] Creators & Contributors: Illinois Office of Secretary of State Journal/Periodical (Microfiche) Springfield, Ill. : The Secretary, [1952]-1951-1952- Loading... Check availability
7 Result #7: Information, communication & society [1998 to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) London : Routledge, [1998-]Vol. 1, no. 1 (spring 1998)- Loading... Check availability
8 Result #8: Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States [1789 to present] Creators & Contributors: United States Congress > House Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Washington : U.S. G.P.O. 776Congressional serial set no. 776XJH: Loading... See full record for additional info. Check availability
9 Result #9: Journal of the Senate of the United States of America [1789 to present] Creators & Contributors: United States Congress > Senate Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Government Printing Office Congressional serial set no. 809XJS: Loading... Check availability
10 Result #10: Polis [1978 to present] Creators & Contributors: Society for Greek Political Thought Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [Heslington] : The Society Loading... Check availability
11 Result #11: Political handbook of the world [1975 to present] Creators & Contributors: State University of New York at Binghamton > Center for Comparative Political Research; Council on Foreign Relations +1 more Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) New York : Published for the Center for Comparative Political Research of the State University of New York at Binghamton and for the Council on Foreign Relations by McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1975-1975- Loading... Check availability
12 Result #12: Politische Studien [1950 to present] Creators & Contributors: Hochschule für Politische Wissenschaften (Munich, Germany) Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) München : Isar-VerlagHeft 1- 1950- Loading... Check availability
13 Result #13: Reforma y democracia [1994 to present] Creators & Contributors: Centro Latinoamericano de Administración para el Desarrollo Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Caracas, Venezuela : Centro Latinoamericano de Administración para el Desarrollo, [1994-]No. 1 (enero 1994)- Loading... Check availability
14 Result #14: Social science quarterly [1968 to present] Creators & Contributors: Southwestern Social Science Association; University of Texas at Austin Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Austin : Southwestern Social Science Association and the University of Texas Loading... Check availability
15 Result #15: Texas register [1976 to present] Creators & Contributors: Texas Secretary of State Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [Austin, TX] : Office of the Secretary of StateLatham, NY : Matthew Bender & Co., Inc. S500.6 R263 Loading... FIND IT Online v.1(1976)-current: Connect to online version More available Check availability
16 Result #16: ABC pol sci; advance bibliography of contents: political science and government [1969 to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [Santa Barbara, Calif.] : [ABC-Clio]Vol. 1 (Mar. 1969)- Loading... Check availability
17 Result #17: Action [1970s to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [Austin] : [Executive Information Network] Loading... Check availability
18 Result #18: Africa [1971 to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [London] : [Africa Journal Ltd.]no. 1- May 1971- Loading... Check availability
19 Result #19: Africa confidential [1967 to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [London] : [Miramoor Publications Ltd., etc.]Jan. 6, 1967- Loading... Check availability
20 Result #20: Africa research bulletin > Political, social, and cultural series [1992 to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Oxford, England : Blackwell, [1992-]Vol. 29, no. 1 (Jan. 1st-31st 1992)- Loading... Check availability
21 Result #21: Alabama political almanac [1995 to present] Creators & Contributors: Southern Opinion Research (Organization) Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Tuscaloosa, Ala. : Southern Opinion Research, [1995-]1995- Loading... Check availability
22 Result #22: The Alternative press annual [1983 to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Philadelphia : Temple University Press, [1984-]1983- Loading... Check availability
23 Result #23: Alternatives [1975 to present] Creators & Contributors: Institute for World Order; Centre for the Study of Developing Societies Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [New Delhi, India] : Centre for the Study of Developing Societies [etc.], 1975-Vol. 1- Loading... Check availability
24 Result #24: The American behavioral scientist [1960 to present] Creators & Contributors: Institute of Political Science, N.J. Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Princeton, N.J. : Institute of Political Sciencev. 4- Sept. 1960- Loading... Check availability
25 Result #25: The American enterprise [1990 to present] Creators & Contributors: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Washington, D.C. : American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1990-Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan./Feb. 1990)- Loading... Check availability
26 Result #26: American Government [1981 to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Guilford, CT : Dushkin Pub. Group, [1980]-10th ed., (1980/81)- Loading... Check availability
27 Result #27: American journal of political science [1973 to present] Creators & Contributors: Midwest Political Science Association (U.S.) Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [Madison, WI, etc.] : Published by the University of Wisconsin Press for Midwest Political Science Association [etc.]v. 17- Feb. 1973- Loading... Check availability
28 Result #28: The American political science review [1906 to present] Creators & Contributors: Willoughby, Westel Woodbury, 1867-1945; Fairlie, John A. (John Archibald), 1872-1947 +2 more Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [Washington, D.C., etc.] : American Political Science Associationv. 1- Nov. 1906- Loading... Check availability
29 Result #29: American politics research [2001 to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage Publications, Inc., [2001-]Vol. 29, no. 1 (Jan. 2001)- Loading... Check availability
30 Result #30: The American prospect [1990 to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Princeton, N.J. : New Prospect, Inc., [1990]-No. 1 (spring 1990)- Loading... Check availability
31 Result #31: American review of politics [1993 to present] Creators & Contributors: Arkansas Political Science Association; American Political Science Association > Organized Section on Political Organizations & Parties +1 more Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Conway, AR : University of Central Arkansas Press, [1993-]Vol. 14 (spring 1993)- Loading... Check availability
32 Result #32: Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science [1890 to present] Creators & Contributors: American Academy of Political and Social Science; National American Woman Suffrage Association Collection (Library of Congress) Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Philadelphia : Published by A.L. Hummel for the American Academy of Political and Social Science Loading... Check availability
33 Result #33: L'Année politique au Québec [20th century to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Montréal, Québec : Editions Québec/Amérique Loading... Check availability
34 Result #34: Annual report [20th century to present] Creators & Contributors: Henrico County (Va.) Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [Richmond, Va.] : Henrico Board of County Supervisors Loading... Check availability
35 Result #35: Annual report [1875 to present] Creators & Contributors: Cleveland (Ohio) Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [Cleveland] Loading... Check availability
36 Result #36: Annual review of government administration, Republic of China [1976 to present] Creators & Contributors: Xing zheng yuan yan jiu fa zhan kao he wei yuan hui (China) Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [Taipei] : Research, Development, and Evaluation Commission, Executive Yuan1976- Loading... Check availability
37 Result #37: Annual review of political science [1986 to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Norwood, N.J. : Ablex Pub. Corp., [1986-]Vol. 1- Loading... Check availability
38 Result #38: Annual review of political science [1998 to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Palo Alto, CA : Annual Reviews, Inc., [1998-]Vol. 1 (1998)- Loading... Check availability
39 Result #39: Arab political documents [1963 to present] Creators & Contributors: American University of Beirut > Political Studies and Public Administration Department Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Beirut : Political Studies and Public Administration Dept. of the American University of Beirut1963- Loading... Check availability
40 Result #40: Archives parlementaires de 1787 à 1860 [1787 to present] Creators & Contributors: France Sénat; France Chambre des députés +1 more Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Paris : Librairie administrative de Paul Dupont, 1879-1ère sér., t. 1er (1787)- ; 2ème sér., t. 1 (1800)- Loading... Check availability
41 Result #41: Asian journal of political science [1993 to present] Creators & Contributors: National University of Singapore > Department of Political Science Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Singapore : Times Academic Press, [1993-]Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1993)- Loading... Check availability
42 Result #42: Asian security [1979 to present] Creators & Contributors: Heiwa Anzen Hoshō Kenkyūjo (Tokyo, Japan) Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Tokyo : Research Institute for Peace and Security1979- Loading... Check availability
43 Result #43: Asian survey [1961 to present] Creators & Contributors: University of California > Institute of International Studies Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [Berkeley, Calif.] : University of California Press [etc.]v. 1- Mar. 1961- Loading... Check availability
44 Result #44: The Australian journal of politics and history [1956 to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Brisbane : University of Queensland Pressv. 1- Nov. 1955- Loading... Check availability
45 Result #45: Best editorial cartoons of the year [1974 to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Gretna [La.] : Pelican Pub. Co., 1974-2nd (1974)- Loading... Check availability
46 Result #46: A Bibliography for the study of African politics [1977 to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [Place of publication not identified] : Crossroads Press, 1977-v. 1- Loading... Check availability
47 Result #47: Biennial report... [19th century to present] Creators & Contributors: Nevada State Library Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Carson City Loading... Check availability
48 Result #48: Biographical membership directory [1993 to present] Creators & Contributors: International Studies Association Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Provo, Utah : The Association, [1992-]1992-1993- Loading... Check availability
49 Result #49: Black elected officials [1984 to present] Creators & Contributors: Joint Center for Political Studies (U.S.) Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) New York : UNIPUB, [1984-]1984- Loading... Check availability
50 Result #50: British journal of political science [1971 to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [London] : Cambridge University Pressv. 1- Jan. 1971- Loading... Check availability