1 Result #1: Economics [1981 to present] Creators & Contributors: Beeson, Glen; Slesinger, Reuben E. Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Guilford, Ct. : Dushkin Pub. Group, [1980-]80/81- Loading... Check availability
2 Result #2: FBIS publications [1990s to present] Creators & Contributors: United States Foreign Broadcast Information Service Journal/Periodical (CD-ROM) [United States] : FBIS ; [Springfield, VA] : Available from National Technical Information Service PREX 7.10/3: Loading... Check availability
3 Result #3: Historic documents [1972 to present] Creators & Contributors: Congressional Quarterly, inc Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [Washington] : Congressional Quarterly, Inc.Washington, DC : Sage1972- Loading... Check availability
4 Result #4: United States-German economic survey [20th century to present] Creators & Contributors: German American Chamber of Commerce Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) New York : German American Chamber of Commerce Loading... Check availability
5 Result #5: Africa [1971 to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [London] : [Africa Journal Ltd.]no. 1- May 1971- Loading... Check availability
6 Result #6: The Almanac of British politics [1983 to present] Creators & Contributors: Waller, Robert Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) London : Croom Helm ; New York : St. Martin's Press, 1983-1st ed.- Loading... Check availability
7 Result #7: The Alternative press annual [1983 to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Philadelphia : Temple University Press, [1984-]1983- Loading... Check availability
8 Result #8: The American enterprise [1990 to present] Creators & Contributors: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Washington, D.C. : American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1990-Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan./Feb. 1990)- Loading... Check availability
9 Result #9: American politics research [2001 to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage Publications, Inc., [2001-]Vol. 29, no. 1 (Jan. 2001)- Loading... Check availability
10 Result #10: Asian development outlook: ADO [1989 to present] Creators & Contributors: Asian Development Bank Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [Manila] : Asian Development Bank, 1989-1989- Loading... Check availability
11 Result #11: Best editorial cartoons of the year [1974 to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Gretna [La.] : Pelican Pub. Co., 1974-2nd (1974)- Loading... Check availability
12 Result #12: The Brazilian export market [20th century to present] Creators & Contributors: Agencia Paulista de Compras Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [São Paulo] Loading... Check availability
13 Result #13: British journal of politics & international relations [1999 to present] Creators & Contributors: Political Studies Association of the United Kingdom Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Oxford, UK ; Malden, MA : Published for the Political Studies Association by Blackwell Publ., [1999-]Vol. 1, no. 1 (April 1999)- Loading... Check availability
14 Result #14: British social attitudes: the... report [1984 to present] Creators & Contributors: Social and Community Planning Research (Great Britain); National Centre for Social Research (Great Britain) Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Aldershot : Gower, 1984-1984- Loading... Check availability
15 Result #15: Business Japan [1971 to present] Creators & Contributors: Nihon Kōgyō Shinbunsha Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [Tokyo] : [Nihon Kogyo Shimbun] Loading... Check availability
16 Result #16: Business outlook [20th century to present] Creators & Contributors: Conference Board in Canada; Canadian Economic Forum Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Ottawa Loading... Check availability
17 Result #17: Canadian annual review of politics and public affairs [1971 to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [Toronto] : University of Toronto Press1971- Loading... Check availability
18 Result #18: CEPAL review [1976 to present] Creators & Contributors: United Nations > Economic Commission for Latin America Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [Santiago, Chile] : United Nations, Economic Commission for Latin America1st semester 1976- Loading... Check availability
19 Result #19: Contemporary European history [1992 to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, [1992-]Vol. 1, pt. 1 (Mar. 1992)- Loading... Check availability
20 Result #20: Eastern European politics and societies: EEPS [1987 to present] Creators & Contributors: Joint Committee on Eastern Europe; Social Science Research Council (U.S.) Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Berkeley, Ca : University of California Press, [1987-]Vol. 1, no. 1 (winter 1987)- Loading... Check availability
21 Result #21: Economic and social progress in Latin America; report [1972 to present] Creators & Contributors: Inter-American Development Bank Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Washington : Inter-American Development Bank1972- Loading... Check availability
22 Result #22: Economic and social survey of Asia and the Pacific [1974 to present] Creators & Contributors: United Nations > Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Bangkok : Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific1974- Loading... Check availability
23 Result #23: Economic survey of Latin America and the Caribbean [1982 to present] Creators & Contributors: United Nations > Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Santiago, Chile : United Nations, 1984-1982- Loading... Check availability
24 Result #24: L'Etat du monde [1981 to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Paris : F. Maspero, [1981-]Ed. 1981- Loading... Check availability
25 Result #25: European economic and political issues [1999 to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Commack, N.Y. : Nova Science Publishers, [1999-]1- Loading... Check availability
26 Result #26: Fielding's travel guide to Europe [1948 to present] Creators & Contributors: Fielding, Temple, 1913- Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) New York : Fielding Publications [etc.]1948- ed. Loading... Check availability
27 Result #27: Francoscopie [1985 to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Paris : Larousse Loading... Check availability
28 Result #28: French cultural studies [1990 to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Chalfont St. Giles, England : Alpha Academic, 1990-Vol. 1, pt. 1 (Feb. 1990)- Loading... Check availability
29 Result #29: Great decisions [1956 to present] Creators & Contributors: Foreign Policy Association Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [New York, N.Y.] : Foreign Policy Association, [1956]-1956- Loading... Check availability
30 Result #30: Hanʼguk kyŏngje topʻyo.: Korea economic charts [20th century to present] Creators & Contributors: Han'guk Ŭnhaeng > Chosabu Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [Seoul] : Bank of Korea Loading... Check availability
31 Result #31: Industry of Japan [1951 to present] Creators & Contributors: Kawata, Sukeyuki Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [Tokyo] : Tokyo Foreign Service [etc.]1950/51- Loading... Check availability
32 Result #32: Japan... an international comparison [20th century to present] Creators & Contributors: Keizai Kōhō Sentā (Tokyo, Japan) Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Tokyo, Japan : Keizai Koho Center Loading... Check availability
33 Result #33: Japan spotlight: economy, culture & history [2004 to present] Creators & Contributors: Kokusai Keizai Kōryū Zaidan Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Tokyo, Japan : Japan Economic Foundation, 2004-Vol. 23, no. 1 (Jan./ Feb. 2004)- Loading... Check availability
34 Result #34: The Journal of development studies [1964 to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) London : F. Cassv. 1- Oct. 1964- Loading... Check availability
35 Result #35: Journal of social issues [1945 to present] Creators & Contributors: Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Malden, MA [etc.] : Published by Blackwell Publishers for the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues [etc.]v. 1- Feb. 1945- Loading... Check availability
36 Result #36: Latin America monitor > Caribbean [1991 to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) London : Business Monitor International, [1991-]Vol. 8, no. 2 (Mar. 1991)- Loading... Check availability
37 Result #37: Latin American weekly report [1986 to present] Creators & Contributors: Latin American Newsletters Ltd. Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) London, England : Latin American Newsletters Ltd., [1986-]WR-86-24 (June 26, 1986)- Loading... See full record for additional info. Check availability
38 Result #38: The Middle East annual [1981 to present] Creators & Contributors: Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Boston, Mass. : G.K. Hall, [1982-]Vol. 1 (1981)- Loading... Check availability
39 Result #39: Middle East report [1988 to present] Creators & Contributors: Middle East Research & Information Project Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [New York, NY] : Middle East Research & Information Project, 1988-No. 151 (Mar.-Apr. 1988)- = Vol. 18, no. 2- Loading... Check availability
40 Result #40: Monthly bulletin of statistics [translated: Bulletin mensuel de statistique] [1947 to present] Creators & Contributors: United Nations > Statistical Office Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [Lake Success, N.Y.] : The Office, 1947-[Vol. 1], no. 1 (Jan. 1947)- Loading... Check availability
41 Result #41: The national economy [20th century to present] Creators & Contributors: AFL-CIO Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Washington, D.C. : American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations Loading... Check availability
42 Result #42: New geography [1967 to present] Creators & Contributors: Laffin, John Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) London ; New York : Abelard-Schuman1966/67- Loading... Check availability
43 Result #43: New international realities [1975 to present] Creators & Contributors: National Planning Association > International Department Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [Washington] : International Dept., National Planning Associationv. 1- Nov. 1975- Loading... Check availability
44 Result #44: New perspectives quarterly: NPQ [1986 to present] Creators & Contributors: Robert Maynard Hutchins Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions (U.S.); Institute for National Strategy (U.S.) Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Los Angeles, CA : Institute for National Strategy, 1986-Vol. 3, #2 (fall 1986)- Loading... Check availability
45 Result #45: OECD economic outlook [1967 to present] Creators & Contributors: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development > Department of Economics and Statistics Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1967-1 (July 1967)- Loading... Check availability
46 Result #46: OECD economic surveys > Austria [1968 to present] Creators & Contributors: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [Paris] : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development1968- Loading... Check availability
47 Result #47: OECD economic surveys > Denmark [1968 to present] Creators & Contributors: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [Paris] : Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development1968- Loading... Check availability
48 Result #48: OECD economic surveys > Italy [1968 to present] Creators & Contributors: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [Paris] : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Loading... Check availability
49 Result #49: OECD economic surveys > Japan [1969 to present] Creators & Contributors: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development1969- Loading... Check availability
50 Result #50: OECD economic surveys > Netherlands [1969 to present] Creators & Contributors: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Journal/Periodical (Print/Paper) [Paris] : Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development1969- Loading... Check availability