1 Result #1: Messa di requiem: per organo e voci (SATB) [translated: for organ and voices (SATB): für Orgel und Stimmen (SATB)] [2024] Added February 2025 Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979; Hirsh, Jonathan Music Score (Print/Paper) Mainz : Schott, [2024] Loading... Check availability
2 Result #2: Romeo and Juliet [2023] Creators & Contributors: Zeffirelli, Franco; Brusati, Franco, 1922-1993 +26 more Blu-ray Video [New York, N.Y.] : The Criterion Collection, [2023] Loading... See full record for additional info. Check availability
3 Result #3: Peaceful piano solos: a collection of 30 pieces [2019] Creators & Contributors: Newman, Thomas, 1955-; Nyman, Michael +23 more Music Score (Print/Paper) Milwaukee, WI : Hal Leonard, [2019] Loading... Check availability
4 Result #4: Ogni anno punto e da capo: suite per pianoforte, dalle musiche per l'omonima commedia di Eduardo De Filippo [translated: suite for piano, based on the music for the comedy of the same name by Eduardo De Filippo: (1971)] [2018] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979; De Filippo, Eduardo, 1900-1984 Music Score (Print/Paper) Mainz : Schott, [2018] Loading... Check availability
5 Result #5: Tre liriche infantili: per canto e pianoforte [translated: for voice and piano: (1935)] [2018] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979; Schwarz, Lina, 1876-1947 Music Score (Print/Paper) Mainz : Schott, [2018] Loading... Check availability
6 Result #6: Concerto in do per pianoforte e orchestra (1960) [2017] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979 Music Score (Print/Paper) Milano : Ricordi, [2017] Loading... Check availability
7 Result #7: Concerto no. 1 per violoncello e orchestra [translated: for violoncello and orchestra: (1972)] [2017] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979; Moretti, Bruno, 1957- Music Score (Print/Paper) Mainz : Schott, [2017] Loading... See full record for additional info. Check availability
8 Result #8: Concerto no. 2 per violoncello e orchestra [translated: for violoncello and orchestra (1973)] [2017] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979 Music Score (Print/Paper) Mainz : Schott, [2017] Loading... Check availability
9 Result #9: Cristallo di rocca: musiche per lo sceneggiato radiofonico tratto del racconto omonimo di Adalbert Stifter [translated: Rock crystal: music to a radio play based on the novel of the same name by Adalbert Stifter; Bergkristall: Musik zu einem Hörspiel nach der gleichnamigen Erzählung von Adalbert Stifter: (1949/50); piano reduction for piano four hands by the author; Fassung für Klavier vierhändig vom Autor]; a cura di Sara Bartolucci e Rodolfo Alessandrini [translated: edited by Sara Bartolucci e Rodolfo Alessandrini] [2017] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979; Bartolucci, Sara +1 more Music Score (Print/Paper) Mainz : Schott, [2017] Loading... Check availability
10 Result #10: Messa a quattro voci (senza Gloria): per coro misto (SATB) a cappella [translated: for mixed choir (SATB) a capella (1962)] [2017] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979; Ferrari, Daniele (Conductor) Music Score (Print/Paper) Mainz : Schott, [2017] Loading... Check availability
11 Result #11: Variazioni e fuga: nei dodici toni sul nome di Bach: per pianoforte [2017] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979 Music Score (Print/Paper) Milano : Ricordi, [2017] Loading... Check availability
12 Result #12: Canzoni sacre: per coro di voci bianchi o femminili (SMezA) e organo [translated: for children's or women's choir (SMezA) and organ]; su testi liturgici [translated: based on liturgical texts (1966-68)] [2016] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979 Music Score (Print/Paper) Mainz : Schott, [2016] Loading... Check availability
13 Result #13: Concerto no. 2 per violoncello e orchestra (1973) [2016] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979; Moretti, Bruno, 1957- Music Score (Print/Paper) Mainz : Schott, [2016] Loading... See full record for additional info. Check availability
14 Result #14: Due valzer sul nome BACH: per pianoforte [translated: for piano: (1975)] [2016] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979 Music Score (Print/Paper) Mainz : Schott, [2016] Loading... Check availability
15 Result #15: Four canons for three women's voices (S) = per tre voci femminili (S) (1932) [2016] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979; Poliziano, Angelo, 1454-1494 +2 more Music Score (Print/Paper) Mainz : Schott, [2016] Loading... Check availability
16 Result #16: Allegro danzante: per clarinetto (la o si♭) e pianoforte [translated: für Klarinette (in A oder B) und Klavier; for clarinet (in A or B♭) and piano: 1977] [2011] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979 Music Score (Print/Paper) Mainz ; New York : Schott, [2011] Loading... See full record for additional info. Check availability
17 Result #17: Il Casanova di Federico Fellini [2011] Creators & Contributors: Fellini, Federico; Grimaldi, Alberto +11 more DVD Video Universal City, CA : Universal Studios Home Entertainment, [2011] Loading... See full record for additional info. Check availability
18 Result #18: The Godfather Part II [2008] Creators & Contributors: Brando, Marlon; Pacino, Al, 1940- +16 more DVD Video Hollywood, Calif. : Paramount, [2008] Loading... See full record for additional info. Check availability
19 Result #19: The Godfather Part III: the Coppola restoration [2008] Creators & Contributors: Brando, Marlon; Pacino, Al, 1940- +16 more DVD Video Hollywood, Calif. : Paramount, [2008] Loading... See full record for additional info. Check availability
20 Result #20: Suite del Casanova di Federico Fellini: per pianoforte [translated: für Klavier; for piano] [2008] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979 Music Score (Print/Paper) Mainz ; New York : Schott, [2008] Loading... Check availability
21 Result #21: Lo spiritismo nella vecchia casa: 6 variazioni e 3 suggestioni, per clarinetto solo in Si♭ [translated: für Klarinette solo in B; for clarinet solo in B♭ (1950)] [2007] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979; Betti, Ugo, 1892-1953 Music Score (Print/Paper) Mainz ; New York : Schott, [2007] Loading... Check availability
22 Result #22: La strada: suite dal balletto [2006] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979 Music Score (Print/Paper) Milano : Ricordi, [2006] Loading... Check availability
23 Result #23: Valzer di pupe: da Boccaccio '70: per orchestra [2006] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979 Music Score (Print/Paper) Milano : Ricordi, [2006] Loading... Check availability
24 Result #24: Le notti bianche [translated: White nights] [2005] Creators & Contributors: Visconti, Luchino, 1906-1976; Cecchi d'Amico, Suso +9 more DVD Video [United States] : Criterion Collection, [2005] Loading... See full record for additional info. Check availability
25 Result #25: La strada [2005] Creators & Contributors: Fellini, Federico; Cattozzo, Leo +5 more Blu-ray Video [Place of publication not identified] : Studiocanal, 2005 Loading... See full record for additional info. Check availability
26 Result #26: Federico Fellini's La dolce vita [2004] Creators & Contributors: Rizzoli, Angelo; Dijon, Alain +22 more DVD Video Port Washington, NY : Koch Lorber Films, [2004] Loading... See full record for additional info. Check availability
27 Result #27: The Godfather [2004] Creators & Contributors: Ruddy, Albert S., 1934-; Puzo, Mario, 1920-1999 +20 more DVD Video Hollywood, CA : Paramount Home Entertainment, [2004] Loading... See full record for additional info. Check availability
28 Result #28: Guerra e pace: suite per orchestra [2003] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979 Music Score (Print/Paper) Milano : Ricordi, [2003] Loading... Check availability
29 Result #29: La strada [2003] Creators & Contributors: Fellini, Federico; Cattozzo, Leo +6 more DVD Video [Place of publication not identified] : Criterion : Janus Films, 2003 Loading... See full record for additional info. Check availability
30 Result #30: 8 1/2 [2001] Creators & Contributors: Fellini, Federico; Rizzoli, Angelo +11 more DVD Video [Irvington, NY] : Criterion Collection, [2001] Loading... See full record for additional info. Check availability
31 Result #31: Fellini Satyricon [2001] Creators & Contributors: Fellini, Federico; Grimaldi, Alberto +12 more DVD Video Santa Monica, CA : MGM Home Entertainment Inc., 2001 Loading... See full record for additional info. Check availability
32 Result #32: The godfather [2001] Added January 2025 Creators & Contributors: Coppola, Francis Ford, 1939-; Ruddy, Albert S., 1930-2024 +16 more DVD Video Hollywood, CA : Paramount Pictures, [2001] Loading... See full record for additional info. Check availability
33 Result #33: The Godfather DVD collection bonus materials [2001] Creators & Contributors: Coppola, Francis Ford, 1939-; Ruddy, Albert S., 1934- +15 more DVD Video Hollywood, CA : Paramount Pictures, 2001 Loading... See full record for additional info. Check availability
34 Result #34: The Godfather part II [2001] Creators & Contributors: Coppola, Francis Ford, 1939-; Puzo, Mario, 1920-1999 +15 more DVD Video Hollywood, CA : Paramount Pictures, 2001 Loading... See full record for additional info. Check availability
35 Result #35: Sonata in re per clarinetto e pianoforte [2001] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979 Music Score (Print/Paper) Milano : Ricordi, [2001] Loading... See full record for additional info. Check availability
36 Result #36: Notti di Cabiria [1999] Creators & Contributors: Fellini, Federico; Flaiano, Ennio, 1910-1972 +9 more DVD Video [Irvington, N.Y.] : Criterion Collection, [1999] Loading... See full record for additional info. Check availability
37 Result #37: Concerto per fagotto e orchestra [1983] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979 Music Score (Print/Paper) Ancona, Italia : Bèrben, [1983] Loading... Check availability
38 Result #38: Toccata per fagotto e pianoforte [1975] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979 Music Score (Print/Paper) Ancona, Italy : Bèrben, [1975] Loading... See full record for additional info. Check availability
39 Result #39: Theme from Godfather II: from the Paramount picture The godfather part 2 [1974] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979 Music Score (Print/Paper) New York : Famous Music Corp, [1974] Loading... Check availability
40 Result #40: Godfather waltz [1972] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979 Music Score (Print/Paper) New York : Famous Music Corp., [1972] Loading... Check availability
41 Result #41: Speak softly love: love theme from The godfather [1972] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979; Kusik, Larry Music Score (Print/Paper) New York : Charles Hansen Music and Books : Famous Music, [1972] Loading... Check availability
42 Result #42: Romeo & Juliet souvenir music album: Paramount Pictures presents a BHE film, the Franco Zeffirelli production of Romeo & Juliet [1969] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979; Brimhall, John +1 more Music Score (Print/Paper) New York : Famous Music Corp., [1969] Loading... Check availability
43 Result #43: Love theme from Romeo and Juliet [1968] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979; Mancini, Henry Music Score (Print/Paper) New York, N.Y. : Famous Music Corporation, [1968] Loading... Check availability
44 Result #44: A time for us [1968] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979; Kusik, Larry +1 more Music Score (Print/Paper) New York : Famous Music : Charles Hansen, [1968] Loading... Check availability
45 Result #45: Juliet's theme [translated: Amore per tutti, from the Fellini film "Juliet of the spirits"] [1965] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979 Music Score (Print/Paper) New York : Noma Music, [1965] Loading... Check availability
46 Result #46: 8 1/2 [1964] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979 Music Score (Print/Paper) New York, N.Y. : Edward B. Marks Music Corporation, [1964] Loading... Check availability
47 Result #47: La dolce vita [translated: (The sweet life)] [1960] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979; Verde, Dino, 1922-2004 +1 more Music Score (Print/Paper) New York : Robbins Music, [1960] Loading... Check availability
48 Result #48: Il cappello di paglia di Firenze: farsa musicale in 4 atti e 5 quadri [1956] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979; Labiche, Eugène, 1815-1888 +2 more Music Score (Print/Paper) Milano : Ricordi, [1956] Loading... Check availability
49 Result #49: Petite offrande musicale: pour flûte, hautbois, clarinette, cor et basson [1955] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979 Music Score (Print/Paper) Paris : A. Leduc, [1955] Loading... See full record for additional info. Check availability
50 Result #50: The legend of the glass mountain: from the music of the film The glass mountain. Piano solo [1949] Creators & Contributors: Rota, Nino, 1911-1979 Music Score (Print/Paper) New York : Sam Fox, [1949] Loading... Check availability