1 Result #1: By gracious powers: SATBB a cappella [2014] Creators & Contributors: Hopson, Hal H.; Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 1906-1945 +1 more Music Score (Print/Paper) Orleans, MA : Paraclete Press, [2014] Loading... Library Use Only - Willis 4th Check availability
2 Result #2: Gifts of the Spirit: love, joy, and peace: SATB and organ [2010] Creators & Contributors: Lovelace, Austin C. (Austin Cole), 1919-2010; Green, Fred Pratt, 1903-2000 Music Score (Print/Paper) Orleans, MA : Paraclete Press, [2010] Loading... Available - Music Storage Check availability
3 Result #3: One of the children: SATB a cappella [2003] Creators & Contributors: White, David Ashley; Green, Fred Pratt, 1903-2000 Music Score (Print/Paper) Orleans, MA : Paraclete Press, [2003] Loading... Available - Music Storage Check availability
4 Result #4: Gifts of the Spirit: love, joy, and peace: SAB and organ [1987] Creators & Contributors: Lovelace, Austin C. (Austin Cole), 1919-2010; Green, Fred Pratt, 1903-2000 Music Score (Print/Paper) Orleans, MA : Paraclete Press, [1987] Loading... Available - Music Storage Check availability