1 Result #1: The afflicted man's companion: or A directory for persons and families, afflicted with sickness, or any other distress ... [1795] Creators & Contributors: Willison, John, 1680-1750; Bell, William E-Book Boston : Printed by William Greenough, for Ebenezer Larkin, bookseller and stationer, no. 50 Cornhill, --1795 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
2 Result #2: Looking to Jesus: Being an earnest exhortation and powerful perswasive to fly to the Lord Jesus Christ by faith, in order to obtain eternal life through him. [1759] Creators & Contributors: Willison, John, 1680-1750; Bell, William E-Book Boston, N.E. : Printed and sold by S. Kneeland, in Queen-Street, 1759 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
3 Result #3: Some dying words of the late Reverend, Mr. John Willison, Minister of the Gospel at Dundee, to his wife and children ... [1756] Creators & Contributors: Willison, John, 1680-1750; Bell, William E-Book Boston : Printed and sold by Z. Fowle in Ann-Street, near the Town-Dock, [1756] Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability