1 Result #1: The afflicted man's companion: or A directory for persons and families, afflicted with sickness, or any other distress ... [1795] Creators & Contributors: Willison, John, 1680-1750; Bell, William E-Book Boston : Printed by William Greenough, for Ebenezer Larkin, bookseller and stationer, no. 50 Cornhill, --1795 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource Check availability
2 Result #2: The afflicted man's companion, or A directory for persons and families, afflicted with sickness, or any other distress. With directions to the sick ... [1795] Creators & Contributors: Willison, John, 1680-1750; Bell, William +2 more E-Book Boston : Printed by William Greenough, for Ebenezer Larkin, bookseller and stationer, no. 50 Cornhill, --1795 Loading... FIND IT Online Connect to online resource See full record for additional info. Check availability