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Result #2: African social science review: the African journal of social science, public and international affairs [1999 to present]
Result #3: African sociological review [translated: Revue africaine de sociologie] [1997 to present]
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Full text available from CODESRIA Department of Publications and Dissemination: 2002 to 2008
Result #4: Afrika tanulmányok [2007 to present]
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Full text available from HeinOnline Law Journal Library: 2007 to 2023
Result #5: Afrobarometer briefing paper [2002 to present]
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Full text available from Freely Accessible Social Science Journals
Result #6: Cahiers d'études africaines [1960 to present]
Result #7: Review of African political economy [1974 to present]
Result #8: Africa development [1976 to present]
Result #9: Africana: a journal of ideas on Africa and the African diaspora [2007 to present]
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Full text available from Academic Search Complete: 03/01/2011 to 03/31/2013
Result #10: Journal of student affairs in Africa [2013 to present]
Result #11: Africa Center for Strategic Studies newsletter [2010 to present]
Result #12: Africa Center for Strategic Studies special reports [21st century to present]
Result #13: African democracy: impediments, promises, and prospects [2023]
Result #14: African journal of economic and management studies [21st century to present]
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Full text available from ABI/INFORM Global: 01/01/2010 to 1 year ago
Result #15: African journal on conflict resolution [1999 to present]
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Full text available from Electronic Journals and Newspapers on Africa: 1999 to present
Result #16: The journal of African policy studies: a publication of the Institute on African Affairs [1995 to present]
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Full text available from Academic Search Complete: 04/01/2009 to 04/30/2010
Result #17: African futures [2022]
Result #18: African potentials: bricolage, incompleteness and lifeness [2022]
Result #20: People, predicaments and potentials in Africa [2021]
Result #21: People, predicaments and potentials in Africa [2021]
Result #22: African studies: breakthroughs in research and practice [2020]
Result #23: The Challenge of African Potentials: Conviviality, Informality and Futurity [2020]
Result #24: The future of Africa: reform, development, progress or progressive decline [2020]
Result #26: Who Owns the Problem?: Africa and the Struggle for Agency [2020]
Result #27: Afrotopia [2019]
Result #29: Mapping Digital Divide in Africa: A Mediated Analysis [2019]
Result #30: Out of the dark night: essays on decolonization [2019]
Result #31: The Trump administration's prosper Africa initiative [2019 to present]
Result #32: The erotics of history: an Atlantic African example [2018]
Result #33: The erotics of history: an Atlantic African example [2018]
Result #34: The gods sleep through it all: a collection of essays [2018]
Result #35: Inclusive Development In AfrIca: Transformation of Global Relations [2018]
Result #37: What politics?: youth and political engagement in Africa [2018]
Result #38: Africa at the crossroads: theorising fundamentalisms in the 21st century [2017]
Result #41: African futures: essays on crisis, emergence, and possibility [2016]
Result #42: Claiming agency: reflecting on TrustAfrica's first decade [2016]
Result #43: Africa through structuration theory - ntu [2015]
Result #44: Bulletin [1987 to 2015]
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Full text available from Electronic Journals and Newspapers on Africa: 1987 to present
Result #45: Ethnographies of uncertainty in Africa [2015]
Result #48: Africa: facing human security challenges in the 21st century [2014]
Result #49: African Development Foundation: a United States government agency [21st century to present]
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