1 Result #1: Memory eternal [2018] Creators & Contributors: Kastalʹskiĭ, Aleksandr Dmitrievich, 1856-1926; Day, Marc Andrew +4 more Music CD [Hong Kong] : Naxos, [2018] Loading... Ask at the Service Desk Check availability
2 Result #2: Polnoe sobranie dukhovnykh sochineniĭ [2015] Creators & Contributors: Balakirev, Miliĭ Alekseevich, 1837-1910; Zaĭt︠s︡eva, T. A. (Tatʹi︠a︡na Andreevna) Music Score (Print/Paper) Moskva : Muzyka, 2015 Loading... Ask at the Service Desk Check availability
3 Result #3: Sobranie dukhovno-muzykalʹnykh proizvedeniĭ [translated: Collected sacred choral works] [2009] Creators & Contributors: Grechaninov, Aleksandr Tikhonovich, 1864-1956; Morosan, Vladimir +1 more Music Score (Print/Paper) [Madison, CT] : Izd-vo Russka︠i︡a Muzyka, [2009] Loading... Ask at the Service Desk Check availability
4 Result #4: Kheruvimskaya pesn [translated: Cherubic hymn: SATTBB a cappella] [1995] Creators & Contributors: Glinka, M. I. (Mikhail Ivanovich), 1804-1857; Antolini, Anthony Music Score (Print/Paper) Orleans, MA : Paraclete Press, [1995] Loading... Ask at the Service Desk Check availability
5 Result #5: O divnoe chudo: SSAATTBB a cappella [1993] Creators & Contributors: Titov, Vasiliĭ Polikarpovich, 1650-1715; Dolskaya-Ackerly, Olga +1 more Music Score (Print/Paper) Orleans, MA : Paraclete Press, [1993] Loading... Ask at the Service Desk Check availability
6 Result #6: The Russian Orthodox requiem; &, Hymns to the Virgin [1993] Creators & Contributors: Russkai︠a︡ pravoslavnai︠a︡ t︠s︡erkovʹ; Storogenko, Mikhail +2 more Music CD [New York] : Monitor, [1993] Loading... Ask at the Service Desk Check availability
7 Result #7: Russian Orthodox chants [translated: Chants orthodoxes russes] [1989] Creators & Contributors: Russkai︠a︡ pravoslavnai︠a︡ t︠s︡erkovʹ; Polyakov, Petr +1 more Music CD Ivry-sur-Seine : Auvidis/Unesco, [1989] Loading... Ask at the Service Desk Check availability
8 Result #8: Byzantine elements in early Slavic chant: The Hirmologion [1960] Creators & Contributors: Velimirović, Miloš Book (Print/Paper) Copenhagen : Munksgaard, 1960 Loading... Ask at the Service Desk Check availability
9 Result #9: Contacarium palaeoslavicum mosquense [1960] Creators & Contributors: Orthodox Eastern Church; Bugge, A. Music Score (Print/Paper) Copenhague : E. Munksgaard, 1960 Loading... Ask at the Service Desk Check availability
10 Result #10: Fragmenta Chiliandarica palaeoslavica [1957] Creators & Contributors: Orthodox Eastern Church; Jakobson, Roman, 1896-1982 +1 more Music Score (Print/Paper) Copenhagen : E. Munksgaard, 1957 Loading... Ask at the Service Desk Check availability
11 Result #11: The seminarians sing: hymns of the divine liturgy according to the Byzantine Catholic Rite [1950s] Creators & Contributors: Staurovsky, Michael M.; St. Cyril and Methodius Byzantine Catholic Seminary. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) > Choir +1 more Music Record (12-inch Vinyl) Pittsburgh, Pa. : George Heid Productions, [195-?] Loading... Ask at the Service Desk Check availability